P2D Solutions Pte Ltd provides SMEs with the tools and training required to comply with the PDPA. As an SME-focused solutions provider, we customize our PDPA compliance and data protection offerings to ensure that they are cost-effective and painless to implement for SMEs.

  • Fast – within 2-3 weeks
  • Easy – all functions handled for you
  • Professional – comprehensive and adhere to regulations
  • Value – efficient and cost effective solutions

Our PDPA advisory, compliance and training services are provided on-site, with a hands-on, practical approach that delivers everything you need, but only what you need. Our training will equip each SME’s Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) to understand and master the flow of information/personal data within the organisation, and to put in place the processes required for compliance with the PDPA.

We have also recently been appointed as one of PDPC’s Data Protection (“DP”) Advisors and we are listed on PDPC’s List of Data Protection Service Providers as a DP Advisory Services Provider (https://www.pdpc.gov.sg/organisations/help-for-organisations/list-of-dp-service-providers)

We would recommend P2D for companies that are looking for value-added ways to get PDPA compliant within a short period.
Binoo Joseph • Head of Technology, Tesco Digital Ventures Pte Ltd


We offer a FREE consultation to advise on your company’s DPO needs and solutions.


Our consultants can visit your premises to assist your DPO to do an on-site gap analysis.


Provide your designated DPO/DPOs with all the necessary understanding of the PDPA and its obligations.

DPO Services

Appoint us as your DPO and let us handle all your companies DPO functions and responsibilities.

DPTM Services

Data Protection Trustmark Certification (“DPTM”) Advisory Services


For more information on how we can help your company comply with the PDPA easily and cost-effectively, contact us for a FREE consultation.